
  • Muydinov Mukhammadali Faculty of History of Fergana State University 3rd year student

Ключевые слова:

u rush, the second the world war , Ex Union , Germany , heroism.


On the fronts of the Second World War, Uzbek fighters demonstrated their bravery, bravery and fearlessness and showed examples of heroism.

The belief of the Soviet political leaders that Germany would not attack the USSR in 1941, despite having sufficient intelligence, the fact that they did not build defense structures on the border with the purpose of attacking the exhausted capitalists on the western front, and the role of the blow to the fighting ability of the Soviet armed forces as a result of mass repressions in the army in 1937 Due to lack of replenishment and low level of professional training of the commanders, the enemy troops, which invaded rapidly in the first days of the war, were not stopped and caused many casualties. The leaders of the Soviet government led by Stalin are responsible for this.


Библиографические ссылки

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