
  • Esimbetov Adilbay Tlepovich docent, Nukus branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, livestock and biotechnology
  • Allambergenov Dawletbay Mukhtar uli Student, Nukus branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, livestock and biotechnology
  • Bazarbaeva Bibinur Perdebay qizi student, Nukus branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, livestock and biotechnology


Arthropoda, Arachnoidea, Psoroptes ovis, sheep psoroptosis, sarcoptosis, Psoroptidae, Sarcoptidae, Acarifrormes, chorioptosis, demodecosis, otodectosis, knemidocoptosis, Sarcoptiformes.


In agricultural animals, mites in the order Acariformes parasitize scabies and itch-scabies. These diseases are considered to be common arachnosis diseases in our Republic, causing great economic damage in livestock farming. Of these, the most common are psoroptosis, sarcoptosis, chorioptosis, demodecosis, otodectosis, knemidocoptosis. Sheep psoroptosis is a disease of arachnosis that is accompanied by acute and chronic currents, caused by parasitism of the Psoroptes ovis canasai on the skin of animals, the disease is characterized by itchy skin, loose wool, intense weight loss and the death of an animal. The results of the studies showed that ivermek had a dose of 0.2 mg/kg + 2 ml of Fipronil per subcutaneous administration of sheep once P. ovis prevented re-infection with mites for 65-70 days. According to the results of acarological and clinical studies, ivermek at an external dose of 0.2 mg / kg + 2 ml Fipronil allows you to prevent the psoroptosis of sheep in a single dose under the skin for an average of 65-70 days.



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