Ключевые слова:
tasavvurlar, sayyora, modellashtirish, guruhga bo'lish, osmon hodisalari.Аннотация
Ushbu maqolada boshlang'ich ta'limda tabiat darsining planetalarga bog'liq mavzularini mustahkamlash jarayoni ko'rsatib o'tilgan. Darsni qiziqarli o'tish uchun guruhlarga bo'lish metodi qo'llanilgan.
Библиографические ссылки
Bahramov A., "Tabiatshunoslik." Darsligi 4-sinf. T:. "Sharq" nashriyoti 2014.
Nuriddinova M.I.Tabiatshunoslikni o'qitish metodikasi.O'quv qo'llanma.T., 2005.
Kasimakhunova, А. M., Zokirov, S. I., & Norbutaev, M. A. (2019). Development and Study of a New Model of Photothermogenerator of a Selective Radiation with a Removable Slit. Development, 6(4).
Abduqaxxorovich, O. S., Mamasadikovna, K. A., Kamildjanovna, M. L., Roziyaxon, N., Og'Li, Z. S. I., & Abdurasulovich, N. M. (2018). Development and research of heterostructures with an internal thin layer based on p-type silicon. European science review, (9-10-1), 183-185.
Kasimaxunova, A. M., Norbutaev, M., & Baratova, М. (2021). Thermoelectric generator for rural conditions. Scientific progress, 2(6), 302-308.
Kasimaxunova, A. M., Norbutaev, M., & Baratova, М. (2021). Thermoelectric generator for rural conditions. Scientific progress, 2(6), 302-308.