
  • Ramazonova Zebuniso Yashinovna Uzbekistan State World Languages University Senior teacher at the Department of Methodology of English Language teaching

Ключевые слова:

linguoculturology, linguocultureme, anthroponyms, knowledge structures, intertext, precedent text, allusion


This article is written in the framework of modern anthropocentric linguistic trends – Cognitive Stylistics and Linguo¬culturology and aims at analyzing cognitive and linguocultural significance of anthroponyms in literary text. In this work literary text is regarded as a cultural unit concerning the fact that the process of decoding anthroponyms in the literary text helps to reveal the conceptual information laid on the base of a certain literary work. Moreover, the article examines linguocultural peculiarities of English anthroponyms. Here allusive anthroponyms are considered to be a mechanism that activate knowledge structures and make different associations.

Библиографические ссылки

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