
  • Karayeva Dinara Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

Ключевые слова:

Computer, information system, information technology , new information technology, information technology tools, pedagogy, process, information, communication, interactive, technology, usage, web services


A device that helps you hear sounds or words clearly and pronounce them correctly.  They study in classrooms equipped with modern computers and linguaphones . From the newspaper . The new model of the language cabinet "Nord" allows you  to use a personal computer in the teacher's workplace, and the student can use a digital control panel in the workplace. "Nord" digital language  cabinet creates all the features of a computer language cabinet  . The language cabinet can be used to achieve a culture of speech, as well as to acquire professional skills in theatrical circles.[1]

Linguaphone room is a classroom equipped with sound equipment and projection equipment, which helps to acquire the skills of foreign language speaking, mother tongue speech culture, high performance skills in music and theater institutions


Библиографические ссылки

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Rahimov A. Kompyuter lingvistikasi asoslari. -Toshkent: Akademnashr, 2011.

RahmatulIayev Sh. O lzbek tilining etimologik Iug‘ati. -Toshkent, 2000

Mirziyoev , Shavkat Miromonovich, Critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility should be a daily rule of every leader. Report of the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the main results of socio-economic development of the country in 2016 and the most important priorities of the economic program for 2017, January 14, 2017. - Tashkent: «Uzbekistan», 2017.-104 p.

Moodle 3., Alex Büchner. Moodle 3 Administration. - Third Edition. - Packt Publishing, 2016. - 492 p. - ISBN 978-1783289714.

Moodle 2.5., João Pedro Soares Fernandes. Moodle 2.5 Multimedia. - Packt Publishing, 2013. - 270 p. - ISBN 978-1783281473.

Silvina P. Hillar. Moodle 2.5 Multimedia Cookbook. - 2-nd. ed .. - Packt Publishing, 2013. - 300 p. - ISBN 978-1783289370.





