
  • Mirkozimjon Nishonov Farg’ona davlat universiteti kimyo kafedrasi professori, texnika fanlari nomzodi
  • Ozodaxon O’rinova Farg’ona davlat universiteti kimyo kafedrasi katta o’qituvchisi, pedagogika fanlari bo’yicha falsafa doktori (phd)


ilmiy bilish, kimyo  o’qitish, kimyoviy  til,  kimyoviy  tilni  shakllantirish.


Ushbu maqolada ilmiy bilish va o’qitishda kimyo tilining  nazariyasi,  kimyoviy  tilni   shakllantirishning   ilmiy–metodik     asoslari yoritilgan.Shuningdek, bilish  nazariyasidan kelib  chiqqan holda  fan tilining o’ziga xos xususiyatlari    haqida    muxim  metodik xulosalar   chiqarilgan.



M.Nishonov,Holiqova N.R. Didactic analysis of the process of organizing and conducting professional independent education in the credit-module system. Science and innovation, 2023 tom 2 B 8, pp 175-177 .

M. Nishonov, N.R.Holiqova. The importance of using educational resources in independent learning of chemistry. Scientific newsletter of Namangan State University. Namangan 2022. No. 3, pp. 80-83.

M. M. Yunusov, M.Nishonov. Studying the Efficiency of Teaching the Chemical Technology Course Using Information Technologies. Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching, (2022). 13,33–38.

М.Нишонов, Ш.Мамажонов,В.Хўжаев – Кимё ўқитиш методикаси.Тошкент: Ўқитувчи , 2002.

М.Ф. Нишанов, АА Хайдаров, Д.М. Мирзаев - Значение изучения среды раствора при профессиональной подготовке студентов направления «Пищевая технология».Журнал Universum: технические науки, 2020 Номер 10-2 (79) Страницы 92-94

M. Nishonov, S Mamajonov, D Tojimamatov -Methodological significance of studying the migration of microelements in water and soils.

American Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2022 Том2 Номер07 Страницы10-14

М.Нишонов,С.Тешабоев.Мактабда кимёдан амалий ишлар. - Т.: Ўқитувчи, 1992,134 бет

M Nishonov, Sh.A. Mamajonov, D Tojimamatov -Methodological Significance of Studying Chemical Pollution of the Environment by Microelements.Eurasian Research Bulletin, 2022 Том10. Страницы 55-58.

M. Nishonov, Sh.A. Mamajanov . Improving the Structure and Content of the Course" Methods of Teaching Chemistry" in Higher Education.Pedagogical Education, 2004.

M.Nishonov, T.Amirova. Integrative description of the science of chemistry teaching methodology with didactic analysis.- Science and innovation, 2023 том 2 номер b6 страницы 245-248

M.Nishonov. Methodological significance of studying the transfer of dissolved microelements through soil solution.- Science and innovation, 2023 том 2 номер special issue 6. страницы 64-68

Карпенко М. П. Перспективы развития системы высшего об-разования на основе «Концепции вуза– 2030» / М. П. Карпенко //Вестник РЕАН. 2005. Т. 5. №3. С. 27–34


