
  • Alimatova Sevinch Diyor Qizi English teacher at school 230


innovation, finance, credit, economy, investment, enterprise strategy, business planning.


The principle of parallel development of marketing and investment strategies for innovative development of economic entities is proposed: the development of marketing and investment strategies should be carried out in parallel and in a coordinated manner, so that each of the directions of innovative development outlined in the marketing strategy is provided with appropriate investment resources. Accordingly, the adopted investment directions should expand the market opportunities for innovative development of an economic entity and stimulate their implementation. Compliance with the principle of parallelism will allow us to avoid situations where the identified market opportunities cannot be realized due to lack of resources, as well as to quickly assess the prospects for resource provision of the identified innovative development options and, in the absence of such options, proceed to the consideration of alternative options.


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Seeking Alpha - Country Stock Markets As A Percent Of World -

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