
  • Akhmadjonova Benazir 3rd year student ofFergana State University
  • Dildora Akhmadalieva


teaching, writing, contemporary literature, challenges, concerns, selection of appropriate texts, technology, digital tools, cultural diversity, inclusivity, originality, innovation, audience reception, interpretation


The main concerns with teaching and creating contemporary literature are covered in this abstract. Literature written in the previous few decades or in the present is referred to as contemporary literature. To effectively interact with this genre, a number of issues and obstacles related to teaching and creating contemporary literature must be addressed.Choosing the right texts to teach modern literature is a big problem. Given the abundance of contemporary literary works at their disposal, educators must take great care to select books that are representative of various viewpoints and experiences, diverse, and pertinent. This calls for a thorough comprehension of the state of contemporary literature as well as the capacity to assess and critically analyze a wide range of works.The use of technology in teaching modern literature is another problem. n today's digital age, students are increasingly exposed to various forms of media and technology. Educators need to find innovative ways to incorporate digital tools, such as e-books, online forums, and multimedia presentations, to enhance students' engagement and understanding of contemporary literary works.


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Akhmadalieva, D. R. (2023). USING GAMIFICATION IN ENGLISH LESSONS. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(03), 8-13.


