
  • Amurillayeva Munira Utkirjonovna Texnologik ta’lim yo’nalishi talabasi
  • D .I.Kamalova


kompozit, polimer, armatura, plasmassa, mahsulot, bsqich, jarayon, temir, shisha tola.


Ushbu maqolada kompozit armaturalar ishlab chiqarish liniyasi haqida bayon etilgan. Maqolada bayon etilgan bosqichlar orqali yangi turdagi shisha tolali kompozit armaturaga ega bo’lish haqida fikrlar keltirilgan.


Kamalova Dilnavoz, Kamolov Ikhtiyor, Sayfullayeva Gulkhayo. IR spectroscopy the research and structural and chemical properties of own oxides of structures metal-semiconductor on the basis of indium phosphide. IJARSET. International journal advanced research in science, engineering and technology. India. 2019. Vol.6. Issue 4. P.8836-8838.

Kamalova Dilnavoz, Umarov Abdusalom, Negmatov Soyibjon. EPR – spectroscopic research of structure of soot filled polystyrene. IJARSET. International journal advanced research in science, engineering and technology. India. 2019. Vol.6. Issue 5. P.9364-9369.

Kamalova D.I., Umarov A.V. Study of the characteristic features of the strongest broadening of the EPR signal in polystyrene-based polymer compositions. Journal of Chemistry. Vol.5. Issue 1. February. 2020. Р.1-11. SCOPUS.

Камалова Д.И., Сайфуллаева Г.И., Негматов С.С., Абед Н.С., Негматова К.С. Исследование электропроводящих композиционных термореактивных полимерных материалов и покрытий на их основе для триботехнического назначения. «Universum: технические науки». Декабрь. 2020. №12(81).

Kamalova Dilnavoz, Umarov Abdusalom. Investigation of ultrafine expansion in epr studies of a polymer composition based on polsytrene. Applied physics letters. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2308. 030019. 2020. SCOPUS.

Камалова Д.И., Умаров А.В., Негматов С.С. ЭПР спектроскопическое исследование композиционных полимерных материалов. «Universum: технические науки». Россия. Январь. 2021. №1(82).

Kamalova Dilnavoz. Study of characteristic features of the EPR signal of composites based on composite polymer materials. IJIEMR. International Journal for Innovative Engineering and management research. India. Volume 10, Issue 03. February. 2021. Р.154-157.

Kamalova Dilnavoz. Study of thermal conductivity of soft-filled compositions based on polystyrene and polyvinyldenfluoride. Web of scientist: International Scientific research Journal. Vol.2. Issue 5. May. 2021. Р.855-860. ISSN: 2776-0979.

Kamalova Dilnavoz. Study of the structure of unfilled polyvinylidenefluoride by spectroscopic methods. International multidisciplinary scientific conference on the “Engineering&technology Egypt 2021”. Egypt. May-June. 2021. SCOPUS.

Kamalova Dilnavoz. Thermal conductivity of soot filled composition materials. “Theoretical&applied science” International scientific journal. Philadelphia. USA. Vol.107. Issue 03. March 29. 2022. Р.847-851. SCOPUS.


