
  • Nurjabova Dilafruz Shukrullaevna Toshkent Axborot Texnologiyalari Universiteti Qarshi filiali “Dasturiy ta’minot injiniringi” kafedrasi mustaqil tadqiqotchisi


Equations of hemodynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional approximation, science, common vascular zone, self-regulation, effect on the upper and working heart, medical parameters.


This article describes an overview of the mathematical model of the circulatory system for the cardiovascular system and provides a basis for the mathematical representation of aggregate medical parameters, such as the, objects and research methods, goals, and objectives of the thesis, blood volume, scientific novelty, practical significance, self-regulation and influence on the upper and inner parts of the heart.


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Dilafruz Shukrullaevna Nurjabova, Ravshan Narzullaevich Abdullaev, JournalNX ,ISSN (E): 2581-4230 Journal Impact Factor: 7.232 Editor In- Chief Dr. Rajinder Singh Sodhi ,Volume 7, Issue 9 | September, 2021, USING NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS AND LINEARIZED NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS VISCOUS NEWTONIAN FLUID MODEL FOR BLOOD VESSEL WALLS, 175-179 p

Dilafruz Shukrullaevna Nurjabova, JournalNX ,ISSN (E): 2581-4230 Journal Impact Factor: 7.232 Editor In- Chief Dr. Rajinder Singh Sodhi ,Volume 7, Issue 9 | September, 2021, USING AND MODELIZATION OF THE LAW THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF THE FLOW OF AN INCOMPRESSIBLE VISCOUS NEWTONIAN FLUID MODEL FOR BLOOD VESSEL WALLS , 172-174 p

Dilafruz Shukrullaevna Nurjabova, Har. Edu.a.sci.rev. 0362-8027 Vol.1. Issue 1 Pages 96-106.10.5281/zenodo.5670030, Using numerical solution of nonlinear navier-stokes equations fluid model for blood vessel walls.

Dilafruz Shukrullaevna Nurjabova, Sojida Rayimberdi qizi Ochilova 197-201, USING AND MODELIZATION OF THE LAW OF EHERGY UNDER THE PATHOLOGY OF BLOOD FLOW IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELASTIC VARIABLE MODELS FOR BLOOD VESSEL WALLS, A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal Volume 7, Issue 5, May, 2021ISSN: 2581-4230 Impact Factor: 7.232.

Dilafruz Shukrullaevna Nurjabova , 217-221 MODELING THE INFLUENCE OF PATHOLOGIES ON BLOOD FLOW BY MODIFYING THE ELASTIC MODEL FORVASCULAR WALLS A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal Volume 7, Issue , May, 2021 ISSN: 2581-4230 Impact Factor: 7.23.


