perifraza, stilistika, tasvirlash orqali tushuntirish, frazeologik nomlash, sinonimik tushuntirish.Abstract
It is one of the highest tasks assigned by our state to linguists and foreign language teachers to find solutions to the problems faced by students and learners in the process of language learning and to provide them with effective methods. The study of nouns in English and Uzbek by paraphrase is one of the young topics that have not been fully researched yet. Improving the English language skills of students and pupils in Uzbekistan and creating conditions for them to fully understand the language is definitely an urgent problem. How to find and understand the figurative meaning in English and Uzbek languages is important for the learner, because understanding the listener or grasping and understanding the meaning of the text being read is a factor that helps learners master the language well. In essence, paraphrasing is the explanation or explanation of the text in order to gain a better understanding of it. Therefore, the results of this master's research work help students to understand difficult and logical reading materials and to understand the words of a speaker speaking a foreign language.
O’zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2017 yil 11 avgustdagi 610-son “Ta’lim muassasalarida chet tillarni o’qitishning sifatini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida”gi qarori
Yu. E. Cherednichenko.- Astraxan.: Izvestiya VGPU. 2014. - p.96.