
  • Boyqobilova Zilola Normurodovna Master student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign languages.


innovation, technologies, methods, foreign language, teaching communicative languages, direct method, audio-lingual methods, silent way, suggestopedia, innovative education.


Today, it is becoming more and more crucial to incorporate innovative technologies into the practice of teaching foreign languages. This article presents a summary of recent publications on innovative technologies.  We can see very effective methods in teaching foreign language. The study's primary lines of inquiry were outlined, enabling inferences concerning the viability and efficiency of utilizing innovative technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages. A large growth in the number of publications on the mentioned subjects suggests that innovative technologies have a chance to be used in the classroom by a foreign audience.


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Utler Y.G. (2009). Teaching English to young learners: The influence of global and Local factors. In J. Enever, J. Moon, & U. Raman (Eds.), Young learner English language policy and implementation: International perspectives (pp. 23–29). Reading, UK: Garnet Education. P. 88-89.

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